update: 2023-07-05

这个博客是用Jekyll静态生成,搭建在github pages上服务的。最近发现百度一直未收录博客内容,Google收录正常,搜了下原来是github禁止了百度爬虫访问,所以百度无法收录搭在github上的博客,有点坑。网上有CDN、Coding Pages和Vercel三种方案(解决百度爬虫无法爬取 Github Pages 个人博客的问题),我试了下,Vercel方案最简单,把操作流程记录并分享下。

从github pages迁移到Vercel

这个方案实质是把托管从github pages迁到Vercel,从而规避百度抓取的问题。

整个导入流程挺直觉的,访问Vercel,用github账号授权登陆,跟着演示流程把博客项目导入即可。如果没弄明白,可以参考官方文档Import an existing project。有一说一,这家文档建设得很完备,赞!


sh: jekyll: command not found
Error: Command "jekyll build" exited with 127

这是因为没有正确配置Gemfile文件,其实官方文档How to Deploy a Jekyll Site with Vercel中有提供模板,具体文件在这里。如果懒得看,也可以自己在项目目录下建个名为Gemfile的空白文件,把下面内容贴进去:

source "https://rubygems.org"
# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
#     bundle exec jekyll serve
# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.
# Happy Jekylling!
gem "jekyll", "~> 4.0"
# This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to anything you like.
gem "minima", "~> 2.5"
# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.
# gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12"

# Windows and JRuby does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
# and associated library.
platforms :mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin, :jruby do
  gem "tzinfo", "~> 1.2"
  gem "tzinfo-data"

# Performance-booster for watching directories on Windows
gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.1", :platforms => [:mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin]

本地测试下,输入bundle install && bundle exec jekyll serve,看是否正常。这条命令会安装相关依赖并启动本地服务,还会产生Gemfile.lock文件。我担心Gemfile.lock文件会影响线上编译,把它排除在git检索了echo "Gemfile.lock" >> .gitignore。一切正常,就commit和push到github,这下Vercel应该就能顺利布署了。

另外,有个小坑,是看下Jekyll代码里有没有全局变量的判断,比如Environments - Jekyll中例子:

{% if jekyll.environment == "production" %}
   {% include disqus.html %}
{% endif %}

我的博客里就有生产环境的判断,所以需要去项目设置里的环境变量里增加JEKYLL_ENV=production,详细操作见Environment Variables - Vercel


我的博客有自己的域名,需要把它从github映射到vercel,官方有个详细文档Adding & Configuring a Custom Domain。简单说就是在vercel这添加你的域名,它会生成两条记录A record和CNAME record,把这两个内容抄到你的DNS服务器配置里,然后等vercel检测完成即可。


DNS配置好后要等一段时间才会同步到全球,本地可以用命令查下dig 你的域名,如果查到变成vercel的A record里的IP,就可以去百度站长工具里「抓取诊断」,扔一篇文章的链接抓取试试,成功就说明全好了。

最后,如果需要用sitemap提交收录的话,可以参考这篇文章GENERATING A SITEMAP.XML WITHOUT A PLUGIN,操作很简单,或者在项目下建个sitemap.xml文件,把配置抄进去。

layout: null
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
  {% for post in site.posts %}
    {% unless post.published == false %}
      <loc>{{ site.url }}{{ post.url }}</loc>
      {% if post.sitemap.lastmod %}
        <lastmod>{{ post.sitemap.lastmod | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}</lastmod>
      {% elsif post.date %}
        <lastmod>{{ post.date | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}</lastmod>
      {% else %}
        <lastmod>{{ site.time | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}</lastmod>
      {% endif %}
    {% endunless %}
  {% endfor %}
